With a gross domestic product of USD 1 300 billion and a population of more than 130 million, 墨西哥是世界第15大经济体. 它也是世界上最大的西班牙语国家. 墨西哥 benefits from a geographically strategic position that provides a link between North and South America. This is partly reflected by its comprehensive trade policy which covers over 50 nations – more than any other country in the world. 除了, 墨西哥 is the region’s leading manufacturing nation after the United States and is leveraging new opportunities as the nearshoring trend accelerates.


In 1986, 墨西哥于1994年加入了关税及贸易总协定(关贸总协定), 北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA). 有了这些协议, 墨西哥 shifted from an import substitution industrialisation model to a free trade economy which has had positive impacts on the country’s economic growth.

墨西哥 is PG电子官方免费下载’s second largest export market in Latin America and the free trade agreement between the EU and 墨西哥 has significantly improved the trade balance. Being a member of USMCA has also made the country more attractive from an investment perspective. Already today, many companies manufacture products in 墨西哥 that are sold across the 美洲.  


墨西哥在PG电子官方免费下载处于行业领先地位的几个领域具有巨大潜力, 包括汽车, 矿业, 能源, 资讯科技及电讯业. There is also a growing need for solutions within security and the environmental sector as well as health care and medicine. 在过去的十年里,墨西哥的外国投资激增, 尤其是在汽车行业. 此外, 墨西哥的主要吸引力因素是该国熟练的劳动力, 成本竞争力和有效的劳资关系. 目前,墨西哥有7个th 世界上最大的劳动力. 此外,2020年墨西哥每小时的制造劳动力成本为1美元.比中国便宜68%. 正因为如此, 大多数主要汽车公司和主要供应商在墨西哥都有生产设施, 这意味着PG电子官方免费下载分包商的潜在商机. 


PG电子官方免费下载公司可能面临的障碍包括腐败和欺诈, 如果有任何不确定因素,一定要寻求专业建议. It might also be recommendable to consider how to ensure fair working conditions while maintaining a high level of productivity. 


自2003年以来,PG电子官方免费下载商业公司一直活跃在墨西哥. 该办事处还负责中国的市场 中美洲和加勒比地区. 我们可以为您提供量身定制的市场分析,帮助您为进入市场做好准备, 就贪污及保安事宜提供意见, 寻找合适的商业伙伴等等.



贸易 & 墨西哥投资专员

墨西哥人口超过1.3亿, 单是人口规模就足以成为考虑这个新兴市场的理由. The big cities have growing middle-classes who are digitally savvy and open to testing new technologies and solutions, 和创业, 扩大, and large international companies can all identify and target segments within the market and still reach more potential customers than the Nordics combined. 可持续发展等领域的增长, FinTech, 人工智能正在崛起, 由有机因素和政府主导的政策和举措驱动. Infrastructure improvements are also high on the political agenda and across all sectors there is a demand for technologies and solutions that can drive change.


Perceptions about 墨西哥 are often outdated and inaccurate; it isn’t a country that many Swedish people or companies are familiar with from either a business or tourist perspective. 墨西哥城是现代和进步的城市, 有着自由的文化, 包容, and fast paced which often surprises international companies when they first do business in the market. 墨西哥正在蓬勃发展,已经是一个强大的医疗技术研发国&D中心拥有先进的发展和治疗中心. 制造业和工厂也代表了商业经济的很大一部分, 随着美国将生产转移到离本土更近的地方,这种情况只会进一步加剧.


墨西哥的商业仍然建立在传统关系的基础上. Local connections and supplier partnerships have proven to be invaluable during the global pandemic, proving that a presence on the ground can keep business moving and facilitate agile decision making to meet local and regional demands. With 墨西哥’s increasingly important role in the region as a connection between North America and Central and Latin America, established contacts and suppliers on the ground are imperative if Swedish companies are going to be competitive and relevant.

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